2 day(s) ago
Mrs. Kleindienst’s kindergarten class at Dillsboro Elementary School was captivated by Lucille Colandro's classic tale of "The Old Lady Who Swallowed a Bat!" After they listened to the story, they practiced their recall, sequencing, and comprehension skills as they were asked to retell the story from start to finish.
3 day(s) ago
Fourth graders at Dillsboro Elementary participated in a Flag Program by the Moores Hill American Legion. Some Legion members came to our school to demonstrate how to fold the American Flag appropriately and what each fold means. The students were given a comic book about the history of the American Flag to prepare them for a test and an essay on "What does the American Flag mean to you?" The legion members read the essay to determine two winners. Lyla Messmore and Michael Strasemeier were chosen to represent Dillsboro Elementary. Their essays will be moved to the district-wide to decide the winners. Congratulations to Lyla and Michael!
7 day(s) ago
Fifth grade students at Dillsboro Elementary have been learning about their bodies and how to keep them healthy!
After discussing the circulatory system, its function, and the importance of keeping the cardiac muscles of the heart strong, they participated in an activity to measure their resting heart rate and active heart rate. Students also got to listen to their heart beat using a stethoscope and they learned how to check their pulse.
Through this lesson, the students understood how to be active in a way that maintains great cardiovascular health! 🫀
After discussing the circulatory system, its function, and the importance of keeping the cardiac muscles of the heart strong, they participated in an activity to measure their resting heart rate and active heart rate. Students also got to listen to their heart beat using a stethoscope and they learned how to check their pulse.
Through this lesson, the students understood how to be active in a way that maintains great cardiovascular health! 🫀
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Dillsboro, IN 47018
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